Here are some of the paintings I made during the workshop:
Initial piece experimenting with blocking. I didn't like how it was progressing so I swiftly moved on.

Second piece playing around with an icy cold mountains landscape, using a foreground, mid-ground and background approach. It may not fit the location for Jurassic wildlife, though could be an interesting twist (dinosaurs adapted to the cold...)

Last piece of the day, this time with a greater focus on my source material of the Lost World. The location is based in the Amazon of South America, so I tried to recreate a jungle of sorts with sight of background rock mountains being reference to some particular descriptions of the Lost World where the Amazon river runs straight through. Also experimented with colour dodge and opacity to create a sense of atmosphere.

Overall, I had some great fun painting along in the workshop. Some of these pieces have also help begun to define some further ideas for me, where I can hope they only get better.
Leo, your digital paintings are brilliant! I am looking forward to seeing more...
Hey Leo - I knew you'd enjoy this unit! The final image is striking - oh yes, I just want you to run and run on this one! See you on Monday at 11 for another striking slice of cinema! :-)
nice one leo, i expected this level of work form you lol, well done. is the sun rays the atomosphere thing phil showed us? how do u do it again?
Nice atmosphere Leo it has a certain steaminess to it and a certain newly discovered quality, which is appropriate for the Amazon.
Thanks a lot for the comments guys!
Thanks Jackie, I hope to do more soon enough with some concepts down. I really the digital painting over on your blog too!
Cheers Phil, yes I intend to really go at it with this project. Look forward to Monday's film!
Expected? Ah no pressure then lol. Yup the sun rays is the atmosphere thing, set a new layer to colour dodge blending mode with a lower opacity and begin to brush with a desired colour. Soft round brushes work best for this.
Thanks Simon, glad you find it convincing :)
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