With a deliberate layering effect of colour, each 'instance' of my self collectively pertains to my identity. This first example bearing just two instances of myself as an experimentation, with the use of colour reflecting the mood and expression of each 'self'. The arching beams (remnants of the original photo) while providing intrigue and a sense of completion to composition as a whole, I think is now a little too abstract not really contributing to my identity.

I later took this further with several more instances of myself and better sense complimentary of colours for a stronger portrait. Each instance overlays each other for an intriguing effect pertaining to the sense of layers in the nature of identity, with the colours providing a visually striking presentation. Again, the lack of background focuses the piece as a whole with less abstract distortions to detract from the piece.
Overall, I am pleased with the result and wonder how much further I can take it visually and conceptually as a whole.
I like the bottom one alot Leo good job!
The colours you have used are nearly spot on, in each layer I can see each colour represents a mood. e.G The red face is great for anger and pain, the blue/and also a more paler blue gives that feeling of coldness and bitterness and also being lost (thats how i interpret them anyway) Also the yellow comes out as a very uplifting happy feeling as well as joyous and warmth. An artist I have seen that uses these colours as a projection of feelings is Cian Mcloughlin. I've read that, on a visit to the UK, Camden Town, he visited Irish's homeless. Upon meeting them he captured in his work, the joy these people still had even in the lowest point of their lives. He does it brilliantly, captures emotion with great accuracy and fitting to each painting he is definately one of my favourite (our time) painters.
Keep up the good work!
Ps I really want to learn how to paint faces from scratch, I'm pretty useless! I gotta say, you are a talented painter! Keep practising!
Thanks for your comments Jonny, I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm just trying to think on how I can take it further if I can.
Interesting to hear of Mcloughlin's experience, will try and this bit of work. I also agree as his style really is captivating.
And wow am joyed to hear you like my digital paintings, its taken me a while to get to a happy level though I still feel like I have much more to learn! Perseverance and practice is key, you just got to hang in there and eventually some bright spark goes off in the back of your head :)
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