Continuing from my previous digital painting portraits, I have tried a much more dynamic and expressive palette to achieve something more painterly, capturing an instance of my own identity. I originally intended to capture a raging anger, although sometimes as I look at it I find it more possessive of a quiet despair. Thus, the piece itself can reflect the layering of our multiple identities in the vigour of strokes suggestive of chaos, anger and despair.

Although I am pleased with the results, I wonder how much further I can take this on a conceptual level. It pains me to say it, but perhaps I have been caught up in the passion of creating a digital painting that is hampering my exploration of portraiture and the nature identity. With thoughts like these, I guess its time to move on and allow the concept to guide my aesthetic choices rather than the other way round.

hey man, I gotta say, i really like this peice....i think what drew me to comment on it was just the harshness and essence of the linework,as well as the tones used, really portrays the message in the peice.....
the other reason is, well, i've never see you pull this face to be quite honest, kinda juxtaposes your personalilty, from what I've percieved, , in a good way hahah....but nice man, wanna see some more expressive work from you..
Thanks Bob, glad you like it. Ha yeah I guess I try and be a good guy when I'm out and about, my mask I wear if you will. We all have different parts of ourselves and emotions that we are all quietly capable of that we vent in some form or another - in my art in this case heh :P
I love the mark-making in this portrait, Leo - and I also like the fact that, for all its successes, you seem unconvinced by it and have since moved on to other ways of picturing yourself. The violence and 'noise' in this image is very effective.
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