Afterwords, creating timed studies of around 7-15 minutes in any preference with the focus on more dynamism rather than acute detail. Some bearing several pieces on one page.

I feel fairly satisfied with the results, some fairing better than others. The interaction of the model with the surrounding space proved challenging at times in maintaining a sense of proportion with overlapping elements. Where some areas such as the feet are very obscured adding to the complexity of the piece as a whole, particularly with the last piece where I am unable to define any sense of two distinct legs and feet.
Hey leo, hows the work going? By any chance do you have the pdf of "Face: The New Photographic Medium." I swear I had it on my memory stick but apparently not, if you do could you send it to me as I need it for a reference in my essay...Cheers
Hey dude, just refining my essay with the new info given to us yesterday. Did you mean 'Face: The New Photographic Portrait' by William Ewing? Tis the only pdf I have with the similar name. I'll send it over to your hotmail as it may inspire.
Yea that's perfect, thanks Leo. Just refining to and this will come in great for one of my points, thank you so much :)
Glad to be of assistance :)
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