I believe a similar effect occurred with the subject of Myra Hindley, where this portrait seemingly outgrew her manifesting into what some call the ‘Face of Evil’. It held such power in that no one could perceive her to be any otherwise than the one single portrait, forever confining her fate.
Marcus Harvey's portrait using the technique of children’s handprints to form the same portrait did not fare any better only stirring further uproar and controversy to the point of vandalism.
As such, in these respects a portrait held a far greater power and influence over the subject individual that was universally believed to reflect their very nature and identity. A case where portraiture outgrew the individual and dominated their life, thus highlighting the strength and effect a portrait can have.
Check out the latest Harvey portrait - I won't go into details here, but take a look at what the 'pixels' of this image are made from...
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