Essay Ideas

A number of ideas have been running through my mind concerning the essay. One idea is to look at the impact of photography in portraiture with the additional significance it has had on concepts of identity. A number of resources I could look are at artists such as Yousuf Karsh, Cindy Sherman and Sam Taylor Wood, as well as further exploring the effects of photo manipulation techniques. The title could be:
The Impact of Photography on Portraiture and the Concept of Identity

Alternatively, I could draw a more equal comparison to painted and photographic portraiture, following the transition portraiture and the nature of identity has undertaken. This would include some further artists such as Rembrandt, Albrecht Dürer and Frank Auerbach. The title may be phrased as something like:
The Transition of Portraiture through Painting and Photography

Well, these are the two stronger ideas I have had for the essay. Some thoughts and feedback will be greatly appreciated.


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